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Attract and Retain Top Talent With a Powerful EVP

This template lays out a 2-step plan to an effective Employer Value Proposition and sets the direction of your Employer Brand.

Create a Strong EVP

Developing or maintaining your position on the map as an employer of choice in a fast-changing world is critical, and having a robust, relevant EVP is proven to lay the foundation for keeping and attracting the right talent.

When you develop your EVP, you go through the process of selecting the most effective combination of attributes for your organisation.  

The formula for a strong EVP lies in considering: 
Organisational insights: Aligns with company strategy.
Employee insights: Fulfills what your workforce desires. 
Talent insights: Meets the desires of your ideal recruits.

By considering these factors you ensure your EVP balances 'fit for business' with 'fit for talent.' 

This template allows you to use Universum's proven framework to set the direction of your EVP.

This Template Includes:
40 unique attributes, an EVP Matrix and an EVP Readiness Checklist

We help you shine as an employer

The Value of an EVP

An EVP can directly impact your organisation’s bottom line and drive value in both tangible and intangible ways.

Let's team up!

Need assistance or want to polish your EVP? Contact us today to book a free consultation!

eBook: A Strategic Approach to an EVP

Learn to leverage your distinctive Employer Value Proposition to attract top talent, boost employee engagement, and retention.
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