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How to rank as an attractive employer

Why rankings matters and how to nominate your company.

How does Universum rank employers?

Every year we run the world's largest talent survey, CareerTest by Universum. Most Attractive Employer Rankings are put together based on how well employers are perceived by the talent groups participating in our survey. We are vigilant for any attempts to tamper with or alter the outcome of our surveys so that we can maintain our employer rankings as an independent business reference for employers worldwide.

We carefully curate the lists of employers included in our survey to reflect large employers in a country, the specific market situation and evolving talent needs. Unfortunately, it is not possible to include all employers. Employers do not have to be clients of Universum to be on the list; in fact most listed employers are not our clients.

An employer can be listed as part of our survey, but may not have enough favorable responses to be ranked.

Learn how Universum qualifies employers

Why do Employer Rankings matter?

Most Attractive Employer Rankings reflect the perceptions and preferences of talent groups, hence are a strong indicator of how likely an employer is to be considered in a country.

They are a crucial tool for employers to understand their standing among potential employees and gauge the effectiveness of their employer branding efforts. For early career talent, these rankings provide a reliable reference to identify and compare potential employers, aiding in their career decisions.

How can my company be ranked?

An employer needs to be listed in our global talent survey, so that talent perceptions of that employer brand can be assessed. In order to rank as one of the Top 100 Most Attractive Employers, an employer will need to be chosen as an attractive employer by at least a group of our respondents.

We carefully evaluate employers in each country in line with our employer lists curation process. If you are a strong employer in your country, we invite you to nominate your company to be listed in our talent survey.

If your company meets all the qualification criteria, we will contact you for further assessment after which we may include your company as part of our our listed employers in your country in our upcoming talent survey. Evaluation will be based on various criteria, including talent engagement, employer branding efforts, recruitment needs, and more. 

You can nominate your company using the form below.

Let us help you build a better employer brand

In today's competitive talent market, building a strong employer brand is not just an option; it's a necessity. At Universum, we specialize in transforming your company into a magnet for the right talent. Our expertise and data-driven insights pave the way for you to not only attract but also retain the best in the industry.

Our Commitment to Your Success

At Universum, your success is our priority. We are committed to providing personalized service and strategies that align with your unique goals and challenges. Let us be your guide in the journey to building a powerful and attractive employer brand, ensuring that your company stands out as a top choice for your target talent groups. Join hands with Universum, and take the first step towards transforming your employer brand today!

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