Vi hjälper dig att attrahera rätt talang.
Vi är störst inom talanginsikter och Employer Branding. Låt oss hjälpa dig att bygga ett varumärke som talanger kommer att älska.
Our Employer Branding Success Cycle
we know talent
Employer Brand & Talent Insights
Boost your talent strategy and make smarter decisions with findings from the world’s longest running talent research.Learn more
Employer Value Proposition
Enhance employer attractiveness by crafting a powerful Employer Value Proposition.Learn more
Employer Brand Concepts & Content
Boost your company's image and become an employer of choice.Learn more
Employer Brand & Recruitment Marketing Campaigns
Optimize your online presence by reaching the right audienceLearn more
Boost your talent strategy and make smarter decisions with findings from the world’s longest running talent research.Learn more
We ask questions and use data to drive our strategies and recommendations.
Enhance employer attractiveness by crafting a powerful Employer Value Proposition.Learn more
We build and implement employer brands to maximize talent attraction, retention and engagement.
Boost your company's image and become an employer of choice.Learn more
We move with intention; creating content, ads and experiences that convert impressions into candidates.
Optimize your online presence by reaching the right audienceLearn more
We measure, improve and then measure again because we know that incremental progress compounds over time.
Ledande arbetsgivare över hela världen litar på oss
Är ditt företag en attraktiv arbetsgivare?
Ta reda på hur talanger upplever dig med hjälp av Universums lista över Sveriges Mest Attraktiva Arbetsgivare.
Se hur ditt företag rankasMarknadsundersökningar med globala standarder
Universum är medlem i ESOMAR, den globala organisationen för marknadsundersökningar och dataanalys. Vi har åtagit oss att ha de högsta etiska standarderna, branschriktlinjerna, bästa praxis och följa ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Conduct.
Det senaste inom Employer Branding
Employer Branding Guide
Discover how to attract top talent in today's competitive job market. Learn actionable strategies, explore examples, and access best practices to elevate your employer branding.
Employer Branding Definition
What is employer branding, and why is it so important? Learn about building and maintaining a compelling employer brand that sets your organization apart.
EVP (Employer Value Proposition)
The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) defines your brand’s strategic direction. It reflects your company’s values, market needs, and helps align internal culture with external expectations.
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