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Global Social Media Campaign Results 2022

By Universum, 2023-01-31

We are proud to announce that 2022 has been extremely successful for our clients, with the hard work and dedication of Universum’s Activation teams globally. We have run client campaigns in 126 countries, spanning a multitude of main fields of study, and have reached nearly 50 million individuals whose lives we have enriched with amazing opportunities.

In 2022, our social media efforts globally (on Meta, LinkedIn, and TikTok alone) achieved more than 208 million impressions, and reached almost 50 million talent who clicked 2.8 million times. This was done while keeping our click-through rate above benchmark by a factor of 2.8.

On Meta platforms alone, averaged across all regions, we have reached 132% more talent in 2022 compared to 2021. Thank you to our valued clients who have trusted us with their campaigns, and for making 2022 one to remember! We are excited to take on new tasks with you and continue the momentum into 2023.

We’ve asked our colleagues around the world what they thought of this success and this is what they had to share:

“I am exceptionally proud of our global Activation teams and the digital marketing specialists who have blazed through 2022 by providing great content to our clients, A/B tested carefully, optimised continually, and made budget-conscious and goal-driven decisions to get the best out of our clients’ Employer Branding campaigns on social media. Let’s see what 2023 has in store for us now that we’re really ramping up on our Smart Recruitment Marketing efforts – I can’t wait to find out!” – Kerstin Tschernigg, Head of Delivery APAC

“These numbers showcase that Universum has excellent expertise in reaching almost any talent. Big applause to all digital specialists and communication strategists for delivering these awesome results. More importantly, we are not just reaching any number of talent, but our method allows us to get the right talent! So, excited what 2023 has in store for us!” – Tobias Loder-Neuhold, Head of Delivery EMEA

“2022 was in many ways a challenging year for Social Media campaigns. Changes in Meta policies and other market updates forced us to not only be up to speed with market trends but rather one step ahead. And when we now have closed 2022, the results speak for themselves. Our methods and hard work when executing Employer Branding campaigns on Social Media is highly efficient and that together with the fact that we are increasing our capabilities for creative content creation makes me confident that 2023 will be another record-breaking year for our clients” – Per Karlsson, Head of Delivery Nordics, UK & I

“We should always remember that each ‘click-through’ is a person. Our creativity and campaigns have the power to connect exceptional people with exceptional employers. All of our crazy little copy, design and targeting decisions ultimately can help people achieve their goals. That gets me excited for the work we’ve done as well as all the progress sure to make in 2023!” – Sean O’Grady, Head of Delivery Americas

While we are extremely proud of the accomplishments made in 2022, we are ready to tackle the new year head on and assist you in all your Employer Branding goals. Contact us today and find out more about how we can make sure you are reaching the right talent for your company!

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